Saturday, May 3, 2008

Value of time: A personal thought

Maybe the word "time" is one of the most sought words after for the debates by the critics after "religion".That is one of the reasons why i personally think the meaning which it portraits specially to the teenagers is rather an ironical one. Maybe one of the reasons is that because when we are trying to waste time, our parents scowl at us saying DO WE REALLY KNOW HOW MUCH TIME IS IMPORTANT TO US?

Well i think there are few people who must have considered very much seriously upon this point in adults , so forget about teenagers.You can ask then "How come these teenagers are studying hard without wasting even one moment of their precious time?"

Well Answer is rather a disappointing one!. Once give a thought, if you tell a teenager that don't waste time and study hard, but here the case is that "you will not be able to even earn single shilling for what you are going to study from now on!" he will not even care to sit next moment there and study. Ya thats right todays generation(in which i also come into) doesn't care how they utilize their time, or for what they utilize their time, rather it should make them live in a bungalow, with at least one automobile.

Sometimes when i come to think of it, everything seems so wrong , the way our parents teach us about time and how to utilize, specially for what purpose!
Even my parents told me that, and why not , whose parents will not want their child to be on the top, the most successful in that too!? But is life only about being success?

Well as a matter of act i have realized a very few points which i am going to share with you, even though i am just 17 and have no rights to express my views, politically!

Ones life is composed of four stages:
1.childhood , 2.youth, 3,marriage life , 4.old age.

In these four which part of the life do you think we utilize our time the best way?.
Well i don't know about you but i consider the first stage that is child hood as the best!? Now why i think that? I Know many of you think that old age is where we learn everything of!.
Why my thought differs from you then? Answer is a very simple one.

Before the reason why, i would like to tell you a small story which my father told to me.
There was once a monk who wanted to pursue for enlightenment. One ultimate day he heard of a very famous guru and decide to seek enlightenment of the world in his presence.The conversation went this way.

Student: I want to seek enlightenment master in the shortest amount of time.
Master: Its my duty to show the path to each and every person who comes with the request.We will start from tomorrow.Make sure you come prepared as in this whole period you will have to sacrifice every nice thought, or rather material thought from your mind.
Student: Ah thats all ? It is very easy.I will come tomorrow master
The next day
Master: Let us start our journey in that path.We will start with meditation
Student:Sure master.

One hour passes, 2 hours pass by, 3,4 ,5,6 hours . He gets restless!.He asks his guru.
student:How much time it will take to master this art, if i do it 2 hours a day??
Master: One month
after one hour
student:You know master i was thinking of doing it 4 hours a day? How much it will time it will take then?
Master: One year
Student quite perplexed with asks him again.
Sudent:I will do more hard work.I will do meditation for 6 hours, how much time it will take now?
Master:Five Years!
Student:How is this possible master?Whenever i say i will do more hardwork the time to reach my goal increases farther.!
Master: To achieve your goal or any other goal you will only need one secret.That is being selfless!.You were concentrating on the result than on the process.How do you expect a pudding to come perfectly if you were just dreaming of eating pudding , keeping a recipie book in front of you?This is where all people make the mistake. They put too much of their concentration on what we call as fruit, therefore their whole desire dies when it comes of doing the work. Therefore you should be totally selfless .The process of the work should be enjoyed rather than the fruit.

I hope the story was not too complex to be understood!.
Now as for my decision , i chose the baby stage because they utilize their time, that is for eating food, sleeping just like all we do in all the stages.But they do all these thing selflessly!As we grow we tend to analyze the situations with our five senses, those together can be known as emotions.These emotions make us so concentrate on the goal that our whole life, which is a place where you should learn to utilize time, rather we live in tense, whether we wrote the exam well, whether will i get tickets to tomorrows movie?. Can i watch the match tomorrow?. Will i get the bonus.So basically thing is that if you do any work selflessly without any presumptions of your success or your failure, it will bring fruit at some point of time.!

I will end this discourse with a small example!. Did you ever think en people grow old, they become pros in only one field like in sports music arts etc.Why not in other subjects like maths physics, even though he got 100% marks in that?

Answer is simple when you utilize time for doing ngs like, sports, music, arts, or experiments people get so indulged in that work that their sub-conscious mind comes into action. They never think "what i will get from this, whether i can buy cars with this money?" whereas with subjects which are taught in the school, makes you worry about the results whole of your time.I would like to conclude my lecture here for today.Leave your comments.