Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mahabharat e-book: download


Download one of the most historical battle field epics of all time. The reason i say one of the most is because in every single line you get to learn something or the other which you can implement in your life, which is by far excellent!.

In real Mahabharata is classified into parvas (classes) but in this download it is not so.and i regret that deeply . I will soon try to hunt it down, copy of the original script and post.

classification is as follows:

1. Ganapati, the Scribe
2. Devavrata
3. Bhishma's Vow
4. Amba And Bhishma
5. Devayani And Kacha
6. The Marriage Of Devayani
7. Yayati
8. Vidura
9. Kunti Devi
10. Death Of Pandu
11. Bhima
12. Karna
13. Drona
14. The Wax Palace
15. The Escape Of The Pandavas
16. The Slaying Of Bakasura
17. Draupadi's Swayamvaram
18. Indraprastha
19. The Saranga Birds
20. Jarasandha
21. The Slaying Of Jarasandha
22. The First Honor
23. Sakuni Comes In
24. The Invitation
25. The Wager
26. Draupadi's Grief
27. Dhritarashtra's Anxiety
28. Krishna's Vow
29. Pasupata
30. Affliction Is Nothing New
31. Agastya
32. Rishyasringa
33. Fruitless Penance
34. Yavakrida's End
35. Mere Learning Is Not Enough
36. Ashtavakra
37. Bhima And Hanuman
38. I am No Crane
39. The Wicked Are Never Satisfied
40. Duryodhana Disgraced
41. Sri Krishna's Hunger
42. The Enchanted Pool
43. Domestic Service
44. Virtue Vindicated
45. Matsya Defended
46. Prince Uttara
47. Promise Fulfilled
48. Virata's Delusion
49. Taking Counsel
50. Arjuna's Charioteer
51. Salya Against His Nephews
52. Vritra
53. Nahusha
54. Sanjaya's Mission
55. Not a Needle-Point Of Territory
56. Krishna's Mission
57. Attachment and Duty
58. The Pandava Generalissimo
59. Balarama
60. Rukmini
61. Non-Cooperation
62. Krishna Teaches
63. Yudhishthira Seeks Benediction
64. The First Day's Battle
65. The Second Day
66. The Third Day's Battle
67. The Fourth Day
68. The Fifth Day
69. The Sixth Day
70. The Seventh Day
71. The Eighth Day
72. The Ninth Day
73. The Passing Of Bhishma
74. Karna and the Grandsire
75. Drona in Command
76. To Seize Yudhishthira Alive
77. The Twelfth Day
78. Brave Bhagadatta
79. Abhimanyu
80. The Death Of Abhimanyu
81. A Father's Grief
82. The Sindhu King
83. Borrowed Armor
84. Yudhishthira's Misgivings
85. Yudhishthira's Fond Hope
86. Karna And Bhima
87. Pledge Respected
88. Somadatta's End
89. Jayadratha Slain
90. Drona Passes Away
91. The Death Of Karna
92. Duryodhana
93. The Pandavas Reproached
94. Aswatthama
95. Avenged
96. Who Can Give Solace?
97. Yudhishthira's Anguish
98. Yudhishthira Comforted
99. Envy
100. Utanga
101. A Pound Of Flour
102. Yudhishthira Rules
103. Dhritarashtra
104. The Passing Away Of The Three
105. Krishna Passes Away
106. Yudhishthira's Final Trial