Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Time management: A skill with which a man is born,but cant utilize!

First of all as i am writing the article, i have full responsibility of telling that i am not the person who really believes in regular time management. I utilize this skill only when i need it. Therefore all these methods below are relatively experimented by me in every whimsical way i could to make in the best of forms.


First of all, let us get the complete information of the perspective of what we want to achieve in the whole day.

1.Always start by making your ambitions a small ones.

Always try your best to be least ambitious in your mind. The higher the ambitions, the larger will be the pain of failure in managing time.What i am trying to say is, dont plan for a month, instead take five minutes of each day(before you sleep, or while you are taking bath) prepare a time table for next day.Why i prefer this way is because, when you prepare a time table for a week or a month all the working is interconnected, so if you fail in doing one thing on time, it will effect the whole sequence which follows, hence insisting you to make you a new one.Whereas if you make a small time table for a day even if it get disrupted for some alien reason, it will not effect other days psychologically.

2.Every man has 24 hours under his sleeve!

This is a very common people give lecture on. I am not one of them instead i will give you a rough idea of what people realize, that is they have so much of time with they can do 4 different types of work in(suppposing each taking 4 hours), excluding rest and sleep.Let us analyze what an average man does whole his day


6hours Sleep
8hours/10hours School/work
2hours breakfast,dinner,lunch,snacks
3hours Entertainment like tv, games etc(Not rest)
3hours Rest

It is not a perfect time partition. But in general all the people of any age group do these things in common.You can see that even after doing office work, studying and sleep we get almost free time of 6 hours of free time for an average guy like who studies in a college!. There are of course exceptions to my above classification for people working in any job which has night shift(they need more sleep) or who are working in IT companies as they live in their offices more than in their homes.!

As we have learned how to analyze a time now its time to move to next part


Every one in their life irrespective of their age have their own priorities which they have to look into!.As a matter of fact the priorities may bifurcate upon the necessities of the person and are never the same.But the table belows tell you something which all people have in common

Priority type Time you allot to it

Long term priorities at the least 5 hours
(which usually lasts very long,
like education,carrer etc)

Short time priorities These take average time of 1-2 hours at the most
(which last a week period such as
gym, workout, yoga, etc)

Incognito priorities It depends on the work which the priority
is associated with
(These priorities are not visible
,but pop out when we are not ready
for it.Like shopping, business
trips, etc)

What is the point in arranging the priorities? That is a very good question!.As you can see above there are three priorities which we are ought to deal in the life.Let us go step by step.For the first priority that is LONG TERM.By this time you must have realized that this work is done almost everyday,so obviously you will not muddle with the time period you allot for it, for instance if a student allots time of 4pm - 8pm to study, that will not change often because this work he has to do very often!.So what you have to look for is that when you are preparing your time table every day, see that you don't worry about this time period and skip it.In this way the time you will take to compose, will be very less, at an average 4-5 min at the most.

2.SHORT TERM: These type of priorities are also frequent but not that frequent because you ought to take break at the weekends.So we know what we have to do,fix this time period in the week days. Now you don't have to look at this time period everyday, as you can skip this. What about weekends? Chill out!. Ya you are getting bonus hours and for what?Utilize this time as much you can for other activities.!

3.INCOGNITO PRIORITIES:The priorities are , i will not say rare because otherwise i would not have mentioned it.These priorities to be more clear disrupt your whole time composition you have don yourself for that day. That is one of the main reasons why i have asked to make a daily time table rather than a monthly one.!

Now we have come to the last part of our story of the rabbit hole.

Avoiding to deter from walking on the path we laid for yourself

The most common proble the people have is not mostly not to make a good time table but rather to walk on it.I also quite some times have been quite perplexed by this fact as why we fail in the most easiest part do the toughest part easily?

From my experience of what i have seen, many people who fail in maintaining time, do absolutely a stupid blunder, which should not be done!. WAKING UP LATE IN THE MORNING THAN PLANNED? What is this to do with my wasting of time?If you ask this question you have directly skipped whole lecture or your mind was mentally sleeping.!
Never mind i will tell you why.What happens when you wake up late? You tend to post pone the the work which is in the chain, which has "sleep" as its first shackle. once you break that, all the rings associated with the sleep tend to break and a new one, altogether has to be formed. What happens as a result of this you eat lunch late , go to office late and hence you sleep late.

Now everybody nows a man can compromise everything but his sleep. So you wake up again late next day.There it is very important to wake up early. I hope the reader has gained if not everything something out of it.!